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Machine Information Consulting Alliance™



MICA Specialties has responded to your requests!

Many have asked whether Mica Specialties will continue to offer comprehensive computer help when the new Vista operating system is released. The answer is an unequivocal YES!

02/20/2006 -- We bought the domain name "www.vistamachine.org" with plans to completely cover the new operating system. This is another step towards our goal of offering comprehensive computer support with our family of web sites.

At press time, the new Vista web address is directing traffic back to home base, here at MICA Specialties. Sometime later this year, our new Vista site will be up and running for our visitors. It will cover the Vista operating system and the security tools that will be used with it. We will provide you with credible information on the differences between XP and Vista, while maintaining our sites geared towards XP and web security.

Thank you to everyone who continued to request this service from us, because your requests prompted us to move up our plans to enter the Vista arena. We had planned on doing this in 2007, but by then we would have been behind in the journey and domain names for the Vista machines would have been hard to find.     

Thank you, and good surfing to you!


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   MICA Specialties

   PO Box 35993

   Panama City Fl 32412-5993



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