Machine Information Consulting Alliance™
You have requested changes, we have responded!
01/26/05 -- The M.I.C.A. website has changed again for your convenience. After many e-mails from our visitors, we felt it was in need of improvements to make it easier for you to find the information you need, along with a special gift- Free e-mail accounts! So don't give up on us while we improve things for you and please continue to submit your requests for the things you want to see on our (your) new web site.
If you are in need of a free e-mail account, please use the contact information below to request your new account. This service is a gift to you, however we will require you to follow all laws with the use of it, including NO SPAMMING.
Thank you, and good surfing to you.
Contact Information:
MICA Specialties
PO Box 35993
Panama City Fl 32412-5993
Email Us:
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